Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Intuitive Eating

This started out as a project for school about something I could learn from my workplace.  When I started the assignment I hadn't found an RN job yet, so I looked to my experience as an LPN.  As an LPN, I had worked at Avalon Hills Eating Disorder Treatment Center.  Avalon used Intuitive Eating as the framework for their program. I'd never read the book while I worked there, but the topic intrigued me.  

The book also happened to fit perfectly into my life.  After returning from Europe, we were living in my in-laws basement, I was jobless, we didn't even have a car for a few weeks, and I was missing my exciting life in London.  Sitting in the basement all day, I'd feel restless, bored, and frustrated...this led to me eating my emotions then feeling even more upset with myself.  I knew I should go exercise and eat healthy but I just couldn't find the energy within myself.

I'm not going to claim this book has miraculously changed my life or helped me lose weight, but I LOVE what the authors have to say.  The book has helped me overcome some of my negative thoughts towards food and approach eating with more enthusiasm and self-control.  I think about whether I'm actually hungry before I eat and try to stop when I'm full.  Based on my own feelings and comments from some of my Facebook friends, I believe their program is the best way to approach eating.  Sure, diets will work for a little while and will make you feel better about yourself, but when they fail you'll end up feeling even worse about yourself and probably gaining back even more weight.  

Take a look at the slides below to find out what their book is all about.  I've only touched on the excellent material in their book which can be purchased at http://www.amazon.com/Intuitive-Eating-Revolutionary-Program-Works/dp/0312321236 and is totally worth your money in my opinion!

Please comment on your own thoughts, personal experiences, suggestions, etc!!!

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